Worldwide Mega-hit Reality TV Dating Show
Joe Millionaire
Joe Millionaire - FOX
Melissa MOJO Hunter made the final four of twenty girls vying for Joe Millionaire (Evan Marriott's) affection. MOJO got to live in a real castle, Chateau de la Bourdaisiere, in France, with a butler (Paul Hogan), chef and maids.
"It's every little girl's dream come true..."
(to live in a real castle)

FOX's Joe Millionaire
Per Wikipedia:
Joe Millionaire is an American reality television series broadcast by the Fox Broadcasting Company (Fox). The series premiered on January 6, 2003, and concluded with the finale of its second season on November 24, 2003. Both seasons followed a group of single women in competition for the affection of a bachelor. The women were under the belief that the bachelor was a millionaire; however, he was actually a working class average Joe. If the final remaining woman still accepted the bachelor after learning about the ruse, the two split a $1,000,000 reward. The series was hosted by American television presenter Alex McLeod.
The first season of Joe Millionaire experienced high success in ratings, with its season finale being the highest-rated entertainment program (excluding Super Bowl lead-out programs) aired on network television since 2000. The second season, titled The Next Joe Millionaire, experienced disappointing ratings throughout its run. In 2005, Joe Millionaire and The Next Joe Millionaire were among several television programs cited in a class-action lawsuit filed by the Writers Guild of America concerning labor law violations.[1]
In November 2021, Fox announced a revival entitled Joe Millionaire: For Richer or Poorer, which aired from January 6 to March 10, 2022. The revival featured two bachelors, one a working-class man and the other a secret millionaire.